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Terms and Conditions

Energy Influencer is an online independent opinion panel.

By becoming a member or by taking part in Energy Influencer surveys you agree to all terms and conditions stated below.

Energy Influencer Admissibility

Energy Influencer membership is open to all who are passionate about influencing energy solutions. All registrations are subject to validation. Energy Influencer reserves the right to deny or cancel registrations at any time. Energy Influencer membership won’t be endowed if identity cannot be confirmed or is mistrustful.

Accurate & Truthful Disclosure

Energy Influencer members pledge to personally complete any online surveys sent by Energy Influencer and do not delegate the completion of any online surveys or interviews to any other individual, including the practice employees. As an Energy Influencer member, you agree to provide truthful information throughout the profile registration and while answering all surveys. Energy Influencer maintain a zero-tolerance policy for fraudulent or offensive behaviour. If you provide any information that is untrue, invalid or flawed or we have reasonable doubt that such information is dishonest, we will terminate your Energy Influencer membership. Termination for dishonest information includes the immediate loss of any rewards points or prizes, if any. It is your responsibility to notify Energy Influencer if you know, or have suspicion, that someone else is responding to surveys in your name.

Respondent Confidentiality

As an Energy Influencer member, when participating in an online survey, focus group or interview, you agree that you will not disclose information and will hold in strict confidence any information obtained or gleaned regarding any questionnaire or any other market research project or activity related to or facilitated by Energy Influencer. You may be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement or affirm your agreement to confidentiality provisions prior to participating in some research projects. All information provided during your participation in any of our research project is confidential and shall be used solely for the purpose of discussing and providing information to Energy Influencer.

Membership cancellation

Energy Influencer members may unsubscribe from this service at any time by accessing their Energy Influencer member account , selecting “ My Profile” under the main menu and selecting “I want to unsubscribe”. Members should be aware that once the account is deleted from Energy, any points that have not been redeemed BEFORE cancellation of the account will be lost.

Inactive accounts

Energy Influencer reserves the right to remove any accounts which have not been active for a period of 14 consecutive months.
An active Panelist is a member who registered to join Energy Influencer and has participated in at least one survey or has updated his/her profile data within the last 14 months.
An inactive account on Energy is an account held by a member who has not either made use of the members’ area of Energy Influencer website and/or not participated in surveys for 14 consecutive months. Any points remaining on the account at the time of cancellation will be lost.