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Let’s put our passion and energy together
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Energy Influencer advocates consumer feedback to help solve real life problems.

As a panelist, you’ll be encouraged to:

  • Participate in online polls, surveys or focus groups to help develop products to answer your needs.
  • Share your thoughts and ideas freely.
  • Given the opportunity to test products in home or at a central location.
  • Only one member per household will be allowed to join the panel. Subsequent household members will be removed.
  • All panel registration is subject to validation. Any suspicious and/or fraudulent activities will result in prompt removal at the discretion of the Administrator.

Welcome, Energy Influencer!

Share your opinion…

Together, let’s develop ideas and products to improve your life and pave the way for future energy products.

How it works

  1. Register (complete the Profile Questionnaire)
  2. Create a username and password
  3. Complete a nondisclosure agreement
  4. Go to Activities and begin participating in online surveys

What’s in it for you?

  • Help spur innovation to improve our daily life.
  • Provide feedback with everyday home devices.
  • Evaluate new product concepts.
  • Steer new product development to answer your needs and challenges.
  • Help industry leaders understand what’s important to you and your family.
  • With every activity, panelists increase their odds of winning a monthly sweepstakes prize ($75, $125 & $200 Amazon online gift cards).
  • Participation is on a strictly volunteer basis. You can opt out at any time.
  • All profile and contact information are confidential and private to this site.